One thing that will help get you through middle school is staying organized. Here are a few tips:
Agenda books or planners are very useful to make sure you don't froget to do your work. You can write down your homework and any meeting with teachers you have. It's important to make sure you stay on top of all of your assignments
The hardest thing about school is that you have to wake up early. Try picking out your outfit the night before and prep all the things you have to bring to school to make sure you get to school on time.
One thing that sounds silly but actually works is writing yourself notes in the morning. If you had to bring something to school the next day then you would write down that you had to bring it in then the next morning you could check it and not forget.
In school you are probably gonna carry around binders and it so much easier if you keep your binder organized. It helps to have mulitiple folders for each subject and homework that you need to complete. Also throw out papers that you don't need as much as you can. Some of the best types of binders are the ones with zippers and can be carryed as a bag. Make sure you have at least five pencils in your binder at a time