Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is when some of your classmates force you to do something. It is a really uncomfortable situation to be in. It's hard to stand up to someone especially when they are your friend. It is important to be able to identify when someone is pressuring you and to know how to resolve the situation.
Identifying Peer Pressure
If you feel oblidged to do something you don't want to
When you are being threatened to do something you don't want to do
Ask your friends
There are many other ways but these are the ones that I feel work
Dealing With Peer Pressure
If they are holding something over your head you can address it befor they can but this isn't always a valid option and if it isn't that makes it harder
Definetely tell an adult. They are more helpful than you think
Ignore it, if they don't have any leverage just walk away from the siuation.
If it's your friend distance youself from them.
Remember that other people's opinions don't matter as much as your own and if you think you're about to do something you'll regret don't do it. If people are trying to force you to do something they don't deserve your time. In some cases it will blow over and sometimes it wont but the important thing is that you don't do anything which you don't want to do.
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